Windows - Double Glazing
Double glazed windows are stupidly expensive in Australia. We were also hesitant to pull the old frames out of the mudbrick incase it was too hard to get new frames to stay put. So we decided to order just the glass, and alter the existing frames to get it to fit. It was bit of a steep learning curve, but with 15 to do, I got the hang of it. One window needed to change size so it came out, so I had to learn mudbricking too!
The first window

The frames are routed bigger to accommodate the thicker panes. We are using 5mm toughened Low E / 12mm argon / 4mm toughened. The frame has a rubber / foam strip to seal the glass to the frame

And the glass stands on rubber feet to stop cracking, and the front pane slumping away from the rear pane

Some windows were sash windows which we changed to awning windows so we had to build frames

A bit of ply to cover the weights channels

A bit of wood, dowels, and glue

A new diy frame

Some of the upper windows needed the weatherboards around them changing as well.

And take out the old hot water

New boards, new facias, and the first couple of double glazed windows going in